Виконати вправи: https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/Business_Studies/Marketing_definitions/THE_MARKETING_MIX_-_Act_1_tm24153eb 

Виконати вправи: https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/Business_Studies/Marketing_definitions/4p_marketing_mix_fn32795vr-

Виконати вправи: https://www.liveworksheets.com/dt146958gf  

Do the task on the worksheet. Hint: make 2 combinations with each word from the first column. Write at least 10 sentences with different word combinations and send a photo of the completed task in an email to your teacher. 

Підсумкова контрольна робота:
Your final test will be in the form of PPt presentation on the following task. Include any necessary information and pictures to present your
business idea. Don't forget to email it to your teacher! The deadline is May,15. Good luck!

Зворотній зв'язок:
Ситар Я.Б. - [email protected]
Козоріз І.П. - [email protected]

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