Дистанційне навчання. Англійська мова. 11 клас
Prime Time 4. SB, WB.
І. Accept Yourselves As You Are! Проблеми підлітків.
Unit 6a. p. 108-109.
- Ex.1p.108 - Listen to new vocabulary. (Track 1) .Which of these changes have you/your friends/family members made? Make your notes. Learn new vocabulary.
- Study the word list 6a pp.WL22. Learn the words and definitions.
- Reading. Ex.2.p.108 Listen and read (track2).
- Ex. 3.p.109. Read again and for questions 1-5, choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
- Speaking. Ex.7. p.109. Make notes on each paragraph of the text. Then use them to retell a summary of it.
- Writing. The writer says that we should learn to accept ourselves as we are . Write a few sentences expressing your opinion.
- Wb. P.74 Ex.1,2,3,4.
- Vocabulary Bank pp. VB 21. Ex.1,2.
- Watch the video # 1 and learn physical appearance vocabulary:
- Describe your best friend, using vocabulary from the video.
- Causative form.
- Causative form. pp.GR 16. Study the rules.
- Watch the video #2
- WB p.127 Ex.7,8. P.128 Ex. 9, 10, 11.
- WB. P. 74 Ex. 5
- SB Ex. 4 p.109
- Do the exercise on line https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/causatives-exercise-1.html
В. Logical Assumptions/Deductions (must, may/might, can't)
- Logical Assumptions/Deductions (must, may/might, can't). pp.GR 17. Study the rules
- Watch the video #3
- WB p.128 Ex. 12,13
- WB p. 74 Ex.6
- SB Ex. 5, 6 p.109
- Do the exercise on line https://www.test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/modal-verbs-of-deduction/
ІІ. Dealing with difficult people. Будуймо стосунки зі складними людьми.
Unit 6b. p.110-111
- Ex.1p.110 Match the types of people to the definitions and make sentences. Listen and check. (Track 3)
- Study the word list 6b pp.WL22 WL23. Learn the words and definitions.
- Reading. Ex.2.p.110 Look at the pictures in the text. What type is each person? How can we deal with each ? Listen and read to find out. (track4).
- Ex.3.p.110 a) Read again and for questions 1-15, choose from the people A-F. Justify your answers. b) What is the author'S purpose? Write it down.
- Ex. 6.p.111. Speaking. Imagine you know someone who behaves as described in the text. Describe him/her.
- Writing. Choose another of the types of people in Ex. 1. Find out what these people are like and how to deal with them. Write a short paragraph.
- Wb. P.75 Ex.1,2,4.
- Vocabulary Bank pp. VB 22. Ex.3,4,5,6,7
Clauses (purpose. result. reason & manner)
- Clauses (purpose. result. reason & manner)pp.GR 17-19. Study the rules.
- Watch the video #4 Clauses of purpose:
- Watch the video #5 Clauses of result:
- Watch the video #6 Clauses of reason:
- Watch the video #7 Clauses of manner:
- WB p.130 Ex.14,15,16 , P.131, 132. Ex.17-24.
- WB. P. 75 Ex. 3
- SB Ex. 5 p.111
Зворотній зв'язок - контроль та перевірка навчання здійснюватиметься через вайбер групи учителя підгрупи та його учнів,
а також за допомогою електронної пошти.
а також за допомогою електронної пошти.
[email protected] Савельєва І.Я.
[email protected] Коваль Г.Б.
[email protected] Хміляр М.З.
[email protected] Славська О.Л.
[email protected] Романів Н.М.
[email protected] Ситар Я.Б.
[email protected] Ситар Я.Б.